
How would you like to learn my top tenways for getting increases in ranking and traffic this year for your products onAmazon? Then watch the video that I'm about to show you where I spoke to over3000 people live in Las Vegas sharing this
presentation that they all pay theyget access to.You're getting it right now for free so be sure to take noteswatch the presentation and I'll be back right after.
Today we're going to talkabout you know ten ways you can increase your traffic your rankings and yoursales on Amazon and the really cool thing about these is that all thesetactics are tactics that are working right now they're not old tactics thatwe're working one point I'm no longer working some of these have been aroundfor a while but I don't think anyone's really looked at them again I looked atthem in a different way but you can take these tactics knowing that they'reworking right now and use them for your business and they're good for anyonethey can be used by someone who's just starting off this business right now youlaunch your first product you could be a million dollar seller and use these orsome of these you could be a brand new person who doesn't have a product yetand you can start planning and implementing these summer right now andin addition to that you can go back to your hotel room just like Matt wastalking about and start working on these right away that's actually richHenderson's feet right there I'd recognize those anywhere I've seen himfar too many times he is either working on his Amazon business or he's bingingGame of Thrones he has a thing for the Dragon Queen or at least he didspoiler alert sorry about that but yeah these are all things that you canactually go there and start implementing at least most them and I'll kind ofpoint out which ones you can now it's hard to think back to like 14 months agowe're in a room just like this in Orlando Florida and we were talkingabout the latest traffic strategies you know for what's working and launchingand ranking your products you're also talking about Gmail ads we're talkingabout electronic billboards we're talking abouttabula and Outbrain and others and strategies like that as well and onething I realize is that during that time that was I believe April of 2018 therewas a huge huge rumor going around inside the Amazon community and thatrumor was that Amazon launches we're deadcompletely dead you know so Amazon I just went through a some kind ofalgorithm change like they do you know at least twice a year some people weregetting really bad results their launches some people getting no resultsat all so was the fish Amazon launches were officially deadthere's no longer any reason you can go out there and start a business and getproduct ranking because it just doesn't work anymore so people started shippingtheir products back to China gave up their business but you know what'sinteresting is that just about a month agowe also her learned something else new launches are dead again right you knowand I use a little bit of sarcasm my voice here because launch is reallyaren't dead they will never be dead as long as there's e-commerce as long asthere's products out there to sell people are always gonna be launchingproducts but what we have to do is we do need to learn how to adapt I never trieda fancy graphic like damn glad actually work this time is kind of cool we needto adapt how are you launch our products because Amazon's gonna keep changing thebusiness is gonna keep changing other models come out there that want to takeadvantage of and it doesn't mean that we can do the exact same thing every dayRyan talked about that there you can't just assume that you're gonna launch aproduct sit back and it's gonna do the same sales every single day for the restof your ecommerce and business career that doesn't happen but when things likethis do happen when strategies change what we need to do is give Amazon whatAmazon wants that's how you adapt and if we're starting off selling on Amazonlet's face it it is the best platform right now for all of us to get sellingon it's the easiest it's the fastest way to scale your business well we'replaying by Amazon's rules and so more and more we need to make sure that wegive them what they want and what Amazon wants right now they want to grow theiradvertising business now I originally was not even gonna talk about launchinganymore but I'm gonna share still ten other tactics that are great for gettingsales but I've seen and heard so many people struggling with launching that Iwant to make sure I included it in this presentation because when you havethousands of people watching or attending it's a great way to get thismessage across so that someone can't say oh my god I didn't know how to do this Itotally forgot I'm giving up this business the worst thing for me rightnow is hear someone struggling and saying that they're just gonna give youthis business up because I've seen in my own personal life I seen on my friendsand family and the mentors some other people I've seen this business can dofor you so I want to make sure everyone knows exactly what is working right nowand right now Amazon wants to grow their advertising business so we're gonna helpfeed that machine for them and Amazon is willing to reward us for that I meanthey've seen exactly what Google can do far as advertising goes what Facebookcan do advertising revenue for Google and Facebook still Dwarfs Amazon butlast year Amazon did 10 billion dollars just using their advertising platformthat's pretty insane if you think about it cuz Amazon really start off with abook company they got into you know a fulfillment company and now they'regetting into advertising I tell you what Amazon is set up to rock the advertisingworld they own the advertising platform they hold the fulfillment network theyhave more better bigger faster warehouses all over the world thananyone else so if they can tie those two things together for us they're going tojust completely crush it even more than already doing and so we're gonna dowe're gonna take advantage of Amazon's advertising and now what I want to do iskind of say how do we do that let's get down to some tactics because we're gonnatalk about a lot of big strategies I kept a lot of inspiration say this oneis exactly that's working today so first you want to focus on Amazon'sadvertising tools and some of this may not be you know new to all of you guysbut I want to be sure reinforces you simply launch your product usingAmazon's sponsored Product Ads and now the cool thing about that we talked youknow learn from Ryan about you need to figure out who are your audiences it isawesome to go out there and build an Instagram audience and build a Facebookaudience build a YouTube audience those strategies absolutely work but anotherway to also find your audience is to connect to the people that are searchingfor products on Amazon who better who's your better audience and someonegoing to a product you know to Amazon like this and searching for a Bluetoothspeaker if someone's on Amazon searching for Bluetooth speakers chances arethey're a part of your audience as well so we're gonna go out there and useAmazon sponsored Product Ads to do that and then we're also gonna target thekeywords that you want to rank for then you need to incentivize those peoplelike Ryan was talking about as well you need to give them a reason to buy now tobuy early so early you know we're gonna give them a big discount now we're notgonna go crazy we're not gonna go like 90 percent off anymore I never do thatand I go to 70% or 6% I just feel like 50% maybe a little lower give them anice incentive use a coupon and then once you started getting some salesthere we're also gonna kick in your auto campaigns set up some seller you knowsponsor product ad campaigns using broad match but when I talk about broad matchif I were to go out there and sell these Bluetooth speakers the main keyword I'vegot that are broad match would just be blue to speaker and then you will findall other kinds of keywords that people are searching forevery couple weeks and gonna mine that I'm gonna keep figuring out exactly whatpeople are searching for and keep adding them adding to our campaign this processcan just be repeated you know but the only there's one thing you have to havethere's one constant in this business you have to have a good product and youhave to have a great listing as well if you don't have that I think pretty mucheverything you'll be learning here is gonna be a struggle for you so make surethat you can actually focus on product quality focus on customer service andfocus on having a really good listing that converts its best you possibly caneveryone talked about that as well so you know when it comes to launching in2019 there's more than just Amazon sponsored ads and like I said we'regonna talk about strategies that people who only have access to sponsored adscan use but I'm gonna talk about a few Pro tips here too because there's a lotof people here if you look around here chances are on the road that you're atthere's someone selling a million dollars plus year maybe ten milliondollars so I want to try to reach to some of those people as well so who herehas ever used Amazon marketing services you guys remember that for a long timeago see that yep now Amazon has updated their seller central marketing now whereyou get a lot of those tools inside of your seller central account we can useheadline search ads and become a product display ads pretty soon you can buildyour stores now inside of South Central all things that used to only beavailable to the larger vendors that were out there but there was a loopholefor about a year and some of us here may have access that loophole on one of themyou're actually able to get access to AMS and if you're one of the people whostill have access to a mess you can still use we're called these 2-step URLsnow we may have heard recently that these URLs becoming a little bit riskyespecially for newer sellers but if you are an Amazon marketing services memberyou can go out there and use your headline search ads or sponsor brands togo out there and use a two-step URL so right here this is the AMS advertisingmenu again if you don't have access to this don't worry about this it's justfor the few people that do out here that's probably probably a couplehundred still have that but they forgotten about it you create asponsored ads campaign and then here's one thing you will not see inside ofyour seller central count only here it's that custom URL no one is using that noone hardly an was using that that custom URL it's very you know seems prettyinnocuous what they're calling their what it is you can use a two-step URLfor your brand search so if you still have access and you still want to go outthere and safely get targeted or ranking for your keywords go back to your oldAMS account reactivated if you have used in a whilecreate a headline search ad or the coaming sponsored brands now and thenuse that right there to rank for any key whether you want to it's one of thoselittle tricks you have apps access to you can use now another thing that wetalking about and I'm not going to talk a lot about this day he's using minichat or any other chat bot that's out there because chat bots are now quicklybecoming the new ranking and launching platform out there now again you don'thave to use these but everyone has access to them many chat is pretty muchthe gold standard as far as chat BOTS go seller chat pots another one I thinkactually created by some people that might be in this room right here thesechat pots can be great because not only do they help you really drive targetedsales when you launch your product but they also help you build a list so ifyou want to build an audience of your raving customer fans that you can launchmore products to in the future many chat works like anything like nothing elseout there we've seen open rates on mini chat go above 80% and operate is simplyif you send out a hundred messages how many people actually open it an emailyou're lucky to get you know 5 10 15 20 % many chat and master BOTS are insanebecause people are always connected I see a lot of feel connected right now tothe phones I mean you forget a message right now from someone chances areyou're going to check it at some point very quickly that day so this issomething that anyone can start getting set up right now you don't need aproduct you can actually you know just build your brand page and get a listcreated right now we'll talk about how to do that in a little bit I just wantto mention the launching ways that people are really getting the bestresults right now because I seem to many people fail now if you want to know somereally deep diving tactics into launching check your phonethat's a screenshot of the app app today matter I talked about them I know for afact that we have a great launching discussion in one of the breakout roomstoday I also know that someone else at the same time we'll be talking aboutgoing out there and using sponsored ads as well to go even a level above what wejust talked about and I think rich now I'll be talking a little bit on at abootcamp tent style about you know how to kind of revisit the whole launchingprocess but if you want to learn more about launching you're in the rightplace to do that today now that was not the tact I want to talk aboutone of the tax I might talk about is getting ready for mobile sales becausemobile is here it's been growing by leaps and bounds every single year andas of right now up to 40% of everyone buying on Amazon is doing that on mobileand that's on their phones right now when you get up to the holiday seasonthat number can get even bigger and we expect that number to continue to grownow the reason why this is important to us and I did not think about thisprobably like two or three months ago is that the Amazon Desktop Search anyonebuying on Amazon it does not look the same nor does it behave the same as antson mobile this doesn't mean we need to go out there and recreate and redoeverything but we need to be aware of it so we can adapt and adjust take a lookat the screen right here this is a you know it a typical search on Amazon usinga desktop we've all seen this a thousand times there's those really coolBluetooth headphones you'll notice that the picture is still front and centerone of the most important things to have out there that's a great looking picturethey've had a little lightning bolt to it they have a pretty good title that'sstill very prominent then you also see the bullet points or we call thefeatures and benefits those are all still right there on the desktop versionnow if we pull up the mobile version you can go to this brought right now you'llsee this exactly as are shown right here you still see the picture is veryprominent it's probably even more prominent takes up about half the realestate on there and then you have the title maybe a little bit more importantbecause it's now pushed to the very top it's the first thing someone sees butwhat you don't see on the phone when you're searching products on the Amazonmobile app you don't see those bullet points at all anymoreso we've all been taught and we're one of the ones teaching it that bulletpoints one of the most important features of RAM as I'm listening andthey still are I'm not gonna just you know disagree with that any morehowever when it comes to being mobile people don't even see those bulletpoints too much later down the shopping process and if anything the price ismore prominent as well it's bigger than it is over on the desktop version somost people now are gonna be brought in by the image maybe by the title and moreprice sensitive so speaking of where those bullet points are if here's thatfirst screen on the mobile search for that product you need to scroll down alittle bit and then you would see the product description and then after thatthe very last thing those are those features and details are thepoints and if you're paying attention it's completely switched around so onthe desktop version bullet points are for our front and center on the mobileit's the last thing most people do not even get to them and this is true forenhanced brand content as well your product details and your hands – Frankcontent they're gonna be up near the top making that more important than ever nowwhat under you do if I'd have told you I kind of showed you what it looks likeyou know what's not miss what's not there what's missingyou probably wanna know what Mike how the heck do I actually take action onthis and it's pretty basic so the first thingyou want to do is make sure your primary image is the best it can possibly be Iknow this is not an advanced tactic but we need to refocus on it because ondesktop everyone sees all the other images lined up your first ones stillthe most important but they all know they can go see other ones on mobileit's even more important it's taken up half your screen and people don'tintuitively know they need to swipe to go the other ones so your image is moreimportant than ever also you don't want to have a spammy title as a matter offact you don't want to have one anytime after July 22nd because if anyone waspaying attention to their settle a central account this week they just madethis announcement a few days ago starting July 22nd Amazon is going to besuppressing any product listings that do not have titles that meet theirrequirements this is a really big deal I hopped into the forums one time don'tever go there – the seller forms on Amazon it is a scary scary place peoplewere really scared to death about this this one article all it says is this itsays that Amazon is going to enforce a rule that's been in place forever theyhave certain title lengths they have certain formats that want you to followthey want to make sure you don't make any huge claims on your product thataren't substantiated or shouldn't be in the title they're just saying they'regoing to enforce this there were maybe a hundred upvotes of this and almost athousand people down voting this because they thought it was such a terriblething to do for Amazon to enforce their own rule all we need to know is thatjust make sure your titles are in place because come July 22nd I guaranteewhat's gonna happen I'm gonna wake up that morning I'm gonna go into Facebookand I'm gonna see hundreds of people saying my product is no longer listedhopefully everyone here won't have that issue because you'll know that yourproduct is not going to be indexed or suppressed as a matter of fact what'llprobably happen if you think about all the people that aren't here all thepeople aren't paying attention they're gonna have their products takea search I bet you a lot of people here receipt increases in sales because ofthat by default we're all gonna start moving up past all those are theproducts that are in game in the system using spammy titles and violating rulesthis is a good reason to give a Maz on what they want now also the last thingyou want to do is you want to take make sure that your product description whichwe've always taught you I'm one of the ones I've been teaching this it'sprobably the least important thing on your listing not that it's not importantbut it's not the one you need to focus on we've always said focus on yourpictures focused on your title focus on your bullet points then go focus on yourback end search terms and then if you have time let's get to your descriptionwell now more important because on mobile people going to see that veryvery quickly including with enhance brand content so what we want you to dois make sure that you take your one two or three best bullet points the onesthat really on desktop sell your product people read the title and they read thatfirst bullet points gonna solve every single problem they have make sure youinclude it at the top of your description and they then people who areon mobile they're gonna see that right away too that will make sure you helpincrease more sales and conversions when you make these changes and people
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